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Odkaz na výstup diff

mapy:el_verloon_desert [2013/05/31 17:22]
chytrex [Questy]
mapy:el_verloon_desert [2013/06/09 05:57] (aktuální)
chytrex [Questy]
Řádek 14: Řádek 14:
   * [[npc:williams|Williams]]   * [[npc:williams|Williams]]
 ===== Questy ===== ===== Questy =====
 +  * [[questy:a_nice_place_to_visit_but|A nice place to visit but...]] 
 +  * [[questy:beetle_surprise|Beetle surprise]] 
 +  * [[questy:bittersweet_vengence|Bittersweet vengence]] 
 +  * [[questy:freaky_fishmen_souffle|Freaky fishmen souffle]] 
 +  * [[questy:hunting_for_feelers|Hunting for feelers]] 
 +  * [[questy:hunting_for_fur|Hunting for fur]] 
 +  * [[questy:hunting_for_molars|Hunting for molars]] 
 +  * [[questy:hunting_for_stingers|Hunting for stingers]] 
 +  * [[questy:meet_the_locals|Meet the locals]] 
 +  * [[questy:missing_my_sweetie|Missing my sweetie]] 
 +  * [[questy:missing_my_wallet|Missing my wallet...]] 
 +  * [[questy:rambunctious_rackie_problem|Rambunctious rackie problem]] 
 +  * [[questy:take_down_the_queens|Take down the queen(s)]] 
 +  * [[questy:the_lost_engagement_ring|The lost engagement ring]] 
 +  * [[questy:the_pyramid_of_fate|The pyramid of fate]] 
 +  * [[questy:turtle_soup|Turtle soup]]
 ===== Sousedící mapy ===== ===== Sousedící mapy =====
Řádek 20: Řádek 35:
   * [[mapy:breezy_hills|Breezy hills]]   * [[mapy:breezy_hills|Breezy hills]]
   * [[mapy:anima_lake|Anima lake]]   * [[mapy:anima_lake|Anima lake]]
 +==== Dungeon ====
 +  * [[mapy:oblivion_temple|Oblivion temple]]